Bahraini Opposition Forces Call on Bahrainis to "Heavily Participate" in "Int'l Quds Day" Commemoration

2023-04-13 - 8:59 م

Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini opposition forces called on Bahrainis to "heavily participate" in the activities to be held for the "commemoration of the International Quds Day", which falls on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan to express "adherence to the central cause of the Palestinian nation."

The opposition forces, Al-Wefaq, Ahrar Al-Bahrain, Al-Wafa'a, Islamic Action, February 14 Coalition and Haq, said in a joint statement, that "the brutal and repeated Zionist attacks launched on the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the assaults against worshippers are deemed organized terrorism targeting people and sanctities, under an international cover, committed while disregarding the sanctity of the month of worship and forgiveness."

They pointed out that "the criminal Zionist entity persisted in its attacks during this holy month. In addition to targeting worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, it blatantly attacked 3 Arab countries using rockets and heavy weapons, as was the case with Syria, Lebanon and Palestine." 

They stressed that "this occupation will inevitably disappear, and our free peoples have no choice but to resist it, deter it, confront it by all possible means and mechanisms, and confront all tools of normalization and Arab conspiracy with it."

The opposition forces called on the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation to "express their stances rejecting its ongoing settlement and racist policies," and also called on the Bahraini people to "heavily participate in the activities to be held for the "commemoration of the International Quds Day" on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

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