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PHOTOS: Tens of Thousands Take to Iranian Streets in Support of Bahraini People


2016-09-11 - 3:36 am

Bahrain Mirror: Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Iranian cities, including the capital Tehran, Qom and Mashhad on Friday (September 9, 2016), in support of the Bahraini people's struggle against the ruling Al Khalifa family's monopoly over power in the island kingdom.

Protesters held pictures of religious Supreme Leader in Bahrain, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, whose citizenship was revoked by virtue of a decree announced by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. They denounced how tens of thousands of foreigners are granted Bahraini nationalities, while Bahrainis are being stripped of their citizenships.

The demonstrators further denounced the Saudi intervention in Bahrain, deeming it functioning to deepen the woes of the region.

For his part, head of the Supreme Council in the Qom Hawza, Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad Yazdi, said "The Bahraini said events, and the pressures and threats of the royal tyranny to the rebellious freedom-demanding people in this country, have again hurt the hearts of Muslims".

Ayatollah Yazdi further condemned "the suppression of the Bahraini people, the looting of their right even in the holding of Friday prayers, the arrest of prominent religious figures, and the practice of pressuring and threatening Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, through an unfair mock trial."





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